Cosmetic Lotro




Continuing my fetish for long robes on male characters, I have dressed my male lore-master in the same robe that appears in my Yule Cheer post. Just like the crafted Westemnet robe from my previous post, this robe too has a different appearance for male and female characters and dyes well in solid colours, including white. Solid white dye channels used to be a rare feature in the earlier days of Lotro armour, but has become more common the last few years.



I don’t often use hooded cloaks for my characters, but make an exception for this one, the Cold Well Cloak. Originally this cloak appeared as a promotional item in a game magazine, and not many players had access to it, least of all the European players. I am glad that Lalia’s Market is now selling this cloak for a limited time. It can be dyed (unlike the original), and looks great in many colours. The design is reminiscent of other cloaks from the Moria expansion.



Shoulders: Arrow of the West Shoulder Guards, turquoise dye (Harndirion barter, hunter armour)
Chest: Jacket of Lies, white dye (Epic Vol.III, Bk.11 reward, medium armour)
Hands: Snow-dusted Travelling Gloves, turquoise dye (Yule Festival reward)
Feet: Dwarf Steel Shoes level 5, turquoise dye (Thorin’s Hall Heavy Armour Smith)
Back: Cer. Cloak of the Cold Well, umber dye (Lalia’s Market, limited edition)


  1. I love this outfit! The shoulder-pads are my favorite part. I love the delicate look of the white feathers. I will have to get the cloak as well. It’s really cool looking! I have always loved hooded cloaks. 🙂

    • Thank you Gilgaldhwing! The shoulders can be obtained in Enedwaith. Any class can purchase them, but if you’re not a hunter, you will need to use the wardrobe to use them as a cosmetic!

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