Cosmetic Lotro

The Ride of Eorl

Some weeks ago I was invited by Aegthil of Gondor to assist in the making of a video about The Ride of Eorl, a poem written by Cennwyn of Landroval. It tells the story of Eorl, who rode to the aid of Gondor when they were attacked by the Balchoth, the Easterlings. It was the beginning of a long standing mutual alliance, and for his service the Steward of Gondor gave Eorl and his people the province Calenardhon to dwell in. This land later became known as The Riddermark, or Rohan, and Eorl became its first King.
I was asked to design the costumes for the main characters and help out with costume advice for the many extras that would appear in the video. But before I tell you a bit more about the backstage process in the dressing room, please click the image below to watch this most epic video!

~ Click image to watch The Ride of Eorl video ~

It’s not so easy to assemble an outfit when you don’t know what pieces the players have access to, but even though people had to make changes because of their personal wardrobe, most outfits came together nicely. The challenge is to find something that most people can acquire yet at the same time make it look out of the ordinary. The focus for the Eorlingas outfits was natural and rugged using browns and greens. The outfit instructions for Gondor were white and blue and I think the Easterlings got the best parts to play because their outfits had to be exotic and extremely colourful.

There are two heroes in this story. Eorl the Young, Lord of the Éothéod and Cirion, Ruling Steward of Gondor. I gave Eorl a rugged, hairy horseman outfit, and except for a slightly different chest piece, the outfit was used entirely!

Cirion had to look rather noble, yet battle ready, and I really wanted to use the White Tree of Gondor theme in his outfit somehow.

I think Beorbrand did an amazing job appearing as Cirion except that… he didn’t trim his beard. I guess that was just too much to ask for…

All the extra’s got some outfit advice as well. The ladies of Gondor obviously in blues…

The most fun outfitting endeavor was on behalf of the Easterlings, and truly they all look amazing in the video!

Thank you Aegthil for inviting me to do this project, it was great fun! Thank you Dannigan for being an awesome Eorl, and Beorbrand for a wonderful Cirion and the rest of the Lonely Mountain Band for your amazing effort to put your costumes together. You all made it look epic!


  1. Absolutely beautiful, brilliant, and insightful! I’ve never seen such a community effort before this 🙂 Hymne, you did a wonderful job designing those outfits, based on race and region, for the video. Even the variations on your original designs were breathtaking! Between your efforts, Aegthil’s, the Lonely Mountain Band’s, and everyone else, you’ve all made the high point of my day ❤

  2. Apis

    Great job, the costumes look wonderful! Not only do your design proposals look great, but the final products really help clarify who is who in the story.

    I enjoyed so much putting together the Easterling costume that my lady of Rohan is still wearing it around town. Her family back home would be shocked if they knew!

  3. Runesdaeg of Landroval

    I had heaps of fun putting together my own outfits for this project based on your suggestions (I’m one of the extras who appears unrecognisably far in the distance in about half the shots). In fact, my Rohan outfit outfit for the video has turned into one of my regular, everyday outfits.

    The Easterling outfits were by far the most fun to put together, I generally shy away from bright colours and this was an opportunity to go all out.

    • Thank you Elorthir! Yes the Cirion outfit as I designed it is as follows:
      Chest: Rift-defender’s Breastplate, navy dye (547marks+33medallions)
      Legs: Isbur-socas, navy dye (medium level 75 boe drop Isengard instances, can be found on Auction House)
      Hands: Rift-defender’s Gloves, navy dye (547marks+33medallions)
      Feet: Rift-defender’s Boots, navy dye (547marks+33medallions)
      Back: Radiant Cloak, Evendim blue dye (crafted Tier 5)
      Hair + beard, white
      In the video Cirion is also wearing padded shouldes, but I would avoid wearing shoulders on a human male, because that way the design of the breastplate really stands out and usually they’re already broad-shouldered enough! 🙂

  4. Baranwen

    Brilliant idea! Congratulations for your work as costume designer. I’m sure it must have felt almost like real movies!

  5. Bree

    I’m sorry, I’m sorry – I swear I shaved my Beard! It’s just that it grows so fast, and when I got to the place for filming it would already be grown back and bushy. It’s a terrible affliction, Beard…

    You really did a superb job helping us with costumes! Many, many thanks!

    Beorbrand and his Pet Biographer

  6. A brilliant job on the costumes, Hymne. Without all the hours of help donated by others such as yourself, a project like this simply wouldn’t be possible.

  7. I had great fun preparing the costumes too. Thank you Hymne, you’re a great fashion designer!
    Only if Aegthil would heed your advice in his everyday fashion too…

  8. Wow, that was a beautiful video:) And good job with the costumes:) Now I just have one question, why, oh why, did I end up on a server where nothing like this ever happens? 😛 Never any community events, as far as I know, and I’ve played two years. And yes, I know, I could start some myself, but it’s not fun to do it alone. Oh btw, where are the scenes in the throne-room-ish place filmed? Can’t remember ever being in such a beautiful palace.

  9. Moragaeth

    I had so much fun designing my own costumes for the film and my LM is still wearing her Easterling outfit, too! It was great fun to be included. Your hard work and research paid off. Thank you!


  10. Alastan

    Hey i realy love your outfits 🙂 But anyways what pieces did you use for making the Eorl outfit? Please tell me 😉

    • Hello Alastan, my original Eorl design is as follows:
      Chest: Nos-crus, grey dye (heavy level 75 boe drop Isengard instances, can be found on Auction House or as quest reward)
      Hands: Gloves of the Westfold (Isengard pre-order cosmetic)
      Feet: Barrow-warrior’s Boots, grey dye (33marks+6medallions)
      Shoulders: Cae-palvais, umber dye (medium level 75 drop Isengard instances, can be found on Auction House or as quest reward)
      Head: Helmet of Theodred, grey dye (heavy crafted Tier 7)
      Back: Cloak of the Algraig, grey dye (Lotro store, 195TP)

      However the actor in the video used a different chest piece. He used Nightshade Jacket, an Isengard medium armour quest reward (, but you can find the same appearance on the Auction House sometimes because it drops in the Isengard instances.

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